
ARRIS Additive Molding

ARRIS Composites is a leading manufacturer that developed Additive Molding, an advanced manufacturing, software, and materials technology. This page provides the virtual patent marking list under 35 U.S.C. § 287(a).

U.S. Patent Numbers: 10800115, 10807319, 10926489, 10946595, 11059239, 11072099, 11090883, 11123935, 11192314, 11225035, 11279061, 11292158, 11292216, 11319256, 11345061, 11358309, 11401394, 11426956, 11485097, 11518071, 11534987, 11584049, 11590719, 11623370, 11623416, 11623414, 11633926, 11645432, 11642854, 11872771, 11874095, 11878447, 12011854, 12011854B2, 12017420, 12017420B2, 12049049