Composites World Magazine Cover Article: Plant Tour of ARRIS Composites
Four Years Later, Composites World Revisits ARRIS: Jeff Sloan Visits Berkeley Facility for the Latest in Additive Molding Including Interviews with CEO + VP of R&D
In a 7-page cover story of the September issue of Composites World, Jeff Sloan opens with… “One of the Holy Grails of composites manufacturing is a robust, consistent, automated fabrication process that makes possible the kinds of high-volume, high-quality applications that have, for much of the industry’s history, been out of reach.” Those words mean a lot to the ARRIS team because there’s a lot of pride felt in doing what we said we would do.
The trusted industry publication featured ARRIS as a cover story in November 2019, highlighting the ARRIS promise in the headline: “Additive Molding promises mass-produced high-performance composites.” The contributing writer, Karen Mason, immediately points out how “mass production is a term not generally associated with complex composite components that feature continuous, aligned fiber reinforcement, yet composites technologists have long pursued this elusive combination.” That’s what we set out to do, and a lot has happened since that interview. As of today, for example, one of ARRIS’ manufacturing systems produces finished running footwear plates every 45 seconds.
“I know the ARRIS team has developed a combination of materials, processes, and market opportunities that position the company well for substantial growth. We’re proud to be delivering on our promise to scale composites in a way that’s not been done before.” —Riley Reese, CEO and Co-Founder
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